Fund Price Information
(as of 14-02-2025)
Fund price movement is calculated on bid to bid/ NAV to NAV basis in fund class currency (AUD ).
Indicative fund price:
Change vs previous trading day:
52 week low-high:
AUD 68.94000 - AUD 80.16000
Fund price information is provided based on the latest fund trading date.
Fund Statistic
(as of 31-01-2025)
Annualised return:
Standard deviation:
Fund statistics are calculated by using 3 years historical data, and are not calculated for fund which is less than 3 years old.
Sharpe ratio: Morningstar Asia Limited used the USTREAS T-Bill Auction Ave 3 Mon as the risk free factor for calculation
Annual management fee (maximum):
Highest contingent deferred sales charge:
Click here to refer to HSBC Preferential Initial Charge Offer
Switching transactions placed through HSBC are subject to 1% switching charge which is charged by HSBC, except switching transaction within the ‘No Subscription Fee Series’ across fund houses is free of charge.
For the ‘No Subscription Fee Series’ , an administration fee of 1% and a distribution fee of 1% - 1.25% p.a. may apply.
The listed information may not cover all the fees and charges imposed on a fund. Please refer to the respective offering documents of the fund for details of relevant fees and charges.
Bank commission : {0} management fee. {1} of annual management fee
Fund class inception date:
Fund size (Million):
USD 801.70
(as of 31-01-2025)
Fund manager
(Start date):
DanielCharles Roarty (31-12-2018)
Benjamin Ruegsegger (31-12-2019)
Fund house:
AllianceBernstein Hong Kong Limited
Other fund classes available with HSBC: