Important Risk Warning:
  • Investors should not only base on the content below alone to make investment decisions. Investors should refer to the fund’s offering documents and read carefully the summary of the key features and risks specific to this fund stated in the fund factsheet prepared by the relevant fund house, before making any investment decision.
  • Unit Trusts are investment products and some may involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Unit Trusts unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.
  • Unit Trusts are not equivalent to time deposits.
  • Investment involves risks. Past performance is no guide to future performance of the funds. Value of the investments and the income/dividend generated can fluctuate and is not guaranteed.
  • In worst case scenario, the value of the fund may be worth substantially less than the original amount you have invested (and in an extreme case could be worth nothing).
Selecting Products with Risk Level relative to your tolerance to investment risk
You may consider funds with risk level commensurate with your investment
risk tolerance, according to the table below:
Risk tolerance Funds with risk level commensurate
Very Cautious Risk level: 1
Cautious Risk level: 1 - 2
Balanced Risk level: 2 - 3
Adventurous Risk level: 3 – 4
Speculative Risk level: 4 – 5
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We have found 16 funds that match your search criteria.
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Funds are sorted by 1-year performance, with available for subscription funds listed in front and closed funds at the bottom. You may also choose to click on the underlined headers below to sort the search results.
Fund Code Fund Name Risk Level Fund Price Cumulative Performance(%)* Calendar Year Performance(%)* Offering Documents Past NAV
Currency Offer Bid/NAV Last Update 1 month 3 month 6 month 1 year YTD Last Update 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
 U62626 AB - EUROPEAN INCOME PORTFOLIO (CLASS AA-USD HEDGED-MDIST CASH) 3 USD - 10.74000 14-02-2025 +2.38 +1.62 +3.16 +7.43 +1.04 14-02-2025 +6.45 +0.44 -12.20 +13.82 +5.90
 U62627 AB - EUROPEAN INCOME PORTFOLIO (CLASS AA-AUD HEDGED-MDIST CASH) 3 AUD - 10.22000 14-02-2025 +2.26 +1.43 +2.76 +6.28 +0.95 14-02-2025 +4.06 +0.16 -13.34 +11.72 +4.71
 U63432 AB - EUROPEAN INCOME PORTFOLIO (CLASS AA-HKD HEDGED-MDIST CASH) 3 HKD - 70.06000 14-02-2025 +2.29 +1.43 +2.65 +6.22 +0.95 14-02-2025 +6.53 +0.23 -12.78 +12.37 +4.68
 U61765 AB - EUROPEAN INCOME PORTFOLIO (CLASS AT-EUR-MDIST CASH) 3 EUR - 5.98000 14-02-2025 +2.22 +1.18 +2.37 +5.65 +0.84 14-02-2025 +4.44 -0.37 -14.20 +11.14 +4.22
 U61763 AB - EUROPEAN INCOME PORTFOLIO (CLASS A2-EUR) 3 EUR - 21.95000 14-02-2025 +2.19 +1.15 +2.28 +5.63 +0.78 14-02-2025 +4.41 -0.41 -14.29 +11.29 +4.21
 U62203 INVESCO UK INVESTMENT GRADE BOND FUND (CLASS A-QDIST UNIT) 2 GBP - 0.81470 14-02-2025 +3.43 +0.95 -2.25 +2.45 +1.07 14-02-2025 +8.08 -3.81 -24.68 +6.84 -1.51
 U62204 INVESCO UK INVESTMENT GRADE BOND FUND (CLASS A-QDIST CASH) 2 GBP - 0.81470 14-02-2025 +3.43 +0.95 -2.25 +2.45 +1.07 14-02-2025 +8.08 -3.81 -24.68 +6.84 -1.51
 U61072 FIDELITY FUNDS - FLEXIBLE BOND FUND (CLASS A-QDIST UNIT) (Close for subscription) 2 GBP - 0.30200 14-02-2025 +2.40 +0.70 +0.37 +4.96 +1.03 14-02-2025 +8.69 -2.55 -16.38 +6.92 +2.60
 U61073 FIDELITY FUNDS - FLEXIBLE BOND FUND (CLASS A-QDIST CASH) (Close for subscription) 2 GBP - 0.30200 14-02-2025 +2.40 +0.70 +0.37 +4.96 +1.03 14-02-2025 +8.69 -2.55 -16.38 +6.92 +2.60
 U43096 FIDELITY FUNDS - EURO BOND FUND (CLASS A-MDIST CASH) (Close for subscription) 2 EUR - 10.53000 14-02-2025 +2.09 -0.07 +0.56 +4.48 -0.05 14-02-2025 +6.39 -2.37 -19.18 +7.77 +2.58
*Performance statistics are based on bid to bid/NAV to NAV prices of the fund with dividend reinvested, in respective fund class currency. HSBC Portfolios - World Selection funds, price indicated on the date represents the dealing price for the prior dealing day.
^The bid price above includes a redemption charge of 0.5% of NAV. With effect from 1 Apr 2011, the redemption charge will be waived until further notice.
† Please refer to this document for the Interim Report and Quarterly Report (if applicable).
Below chart presents you the risk and return relationship of each fund, which assists you to identify funds that match your risk and return appetite. Each dot represents the standard deviation (an indicator of risk) and annualised return of the particular fund, calculated based on the fund’s 3 years historical data.

Please click on the dot to view more details of that fund.
(As of 31-01-2025)


The information in this website relating to Unit Trusts are provided by Morningstar Asia Limited (“Information Provider”) to The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (the “Bank”) unless otherwise specified. For technical reasons, certain information provided by Information Provider may be different from that supplied by the respective fund houses. Neither the Information Provider nor the Bank guarantee or endorse the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information provided by the Information Provider or that it is up-to date, and that such information has not been independently verified by the Bank. The Bank disclaims liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information provided in this website. The Bank also disclaims liability for any loss or damages resulting from the use of information contained herein, or the inability to use such information or in connection with any error, interruption, delay in operation or incomplete transmission, line or system failure. The information contained herein is solely for personal and non-commercial use and for reference only, and the information are not intended to provide professional advice nor is HSBC, in providing such information intended to be advising on Unit Trust. The information contained in this website is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribed for any Unit Trusts or other investments or products or deposit. The information contain herein may not be copied or re-distributed by any means.

Investment involves risks. Past performance is no guide to future performance of the funds. The value of investments and the income from them can fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Please refer to the offering documents of the respective funds for details, including risk factors. This website has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission. The information contained on this website is intended for Hong Kong residents only and should not be construed as a distribution, an offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy any securities in any jurisdiction where such activities would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction, in particular the United States of America. You should refer to the website disclaimers for further important details.

The Fund Risk Level stated in this website is determined according to the historical volatility of the fund or, where appropriate, the historical volatility of a comparable market index or comparable fund. You should refer to the detailed definition of fund risk level here.
